God’s Peace

Is it possible to believe in Christ, work hard for the Kingdom, learn to love unconditionally, and still have a broken relationship with others?

Yes it is!!

But… is there really any excuse not to reconcile? Do you need to reconcile with someone today? Keep reading…

Many times in relationship conflict and worry we retreat and avoid “that” person. We let anger build up inside of us and then we explode OR we wait for the dispute to reconcile itself while holding tightly to resentment. It is a miserable way to live and we probably are not spiritually healthy living this way.

I have someone I know that is angry at me right now due to a past conflict. It is a feeling of rejection for me and makes me very uneasy. It is hard knowing someone has hate toward me and makes me want to go and hide. But what would Jesus do?

Well… I know Jesus would want it faced and reconciled. As Christians we have been forgiven by Christ, so we should look to reconciliation and forgiveness in all conflicts with others.

You may be saying… What if the other person is not willing to reconcile and move to peace and forgiveness?

This IS reality many times and what I am currently experiencing. So then what do we do?

This is where Paul teaches us in the Bible that we have to pray and ask God for His peace. He is the ultimate peacemaker. God’s peace is different from the world’s peace, we can not always understand it BUT He will give it to us if we ask.

Read Paul’s words:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

True peace is not found in positive thinking, in absence of conflict, or is a good feeling; rather it comes from knowing God is in control! He will protect us as we live for his Son! He will give us peace, not the world. He is in ultimate control and the ultimate peacemaker. True peace comes from knowing God is in control!

Whatever conflict or worry you are going through – STOP – and PRAY!

We will become peacemakers through prayer and receiving OUR God’s peace.

I personally am learning that God’s peace and love will guard my heart against anxiety and rejection. God’s love and His ways ALWAYS win and revenge (being angry and evil) only causes more division.

Pray for reconciliation my friends, God will hear you and will help guide you no matter what the conflict or worry you are facing!

It is written!

Stay Rooted,
