Inner Circle

In my Bible reading this morning, I was reminded about the people closest to us determine our levels of success! Great reminder that the training we need as leaders can be learned daily from the Bible! #readit

Moses learned this from God in the wilderness and implemented a plan to put competent, godly leaders next to him. His success in the wilderness depended on the leaders he picked.

As a leader we must see value in others and focus on what we can get done for others, not merely what we can do for ourselves. #putothersfirst

Here are a few ways to choose and develop leaders on your team and keep that inner circle strong!

– PERSPECTIVE: Have a vision for growth & change that is consistent, then communicate it!

– PROVISION: Delegate and share your leadership responsibilities with others – have a team atmosphere, share the load.

– PURPOSE: Choose your inner circle of leaders based on their qualifications, character, and abilities. Don’t settle when it comes to purpose.

– PRINCIPLES: Developing structure for organizational leadership is so important! Listen fairly, be bold but gentle, make decisions based on principle & values, and teach your leaders to communicate to you & bring the most difficult cases to you for guidance.

When we choose and develop a team of leaders we should consider these main guidelines above. We will create an inner circle that matters! (Guidelines learned from Deuteronomy 1: 6-18)

The people closest to us, our inner circle, will determine our level of success as a leader.

We as leaders must steady our people and lead them for readiness!

For me…this has been the biggest growth opportunity as a leader second to intentional personal development.

To set aside and really take the time to pick the right people for the position, then see value in them, and cast the vision! We have to develop our people to grow our inner circle!

These biblical based guidelines above have changed my work attitude as a leader and have helped me develop a team of influencers.

When you go to work today, really analyze your inner circle of leaders. Can they see and communicate the vision, share the load, select and influence leaders, and have organizational structure in their leadership?

Your inner circle matters!

Stay Rooted!
