Feed My Sheep

Leading up to the death of Jesus on the cross, Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times. Can you imagine what Peter must have felt when he saw Jesus standing on the beach? Peter didn’t hesitate upon seeing Jesus and jumped in the water and headed to shore. I wonder what was going through Peter’s mind at the moment? He was excited to see Jesus standing there, but was he also thinking about his denial? Was he worried how Jesus would respond to him?

Jesus prepared breakfast and sat and ate with Peter and the disciples. Jesus did not chastise Peter or say one harsh word to him. Instead Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” In this way Jesus had acknowledged the denial that had occurred three times, but instead of denying Peter Jesus called him to service. Jesus called Peter to “feed and take care of his sheep.”

It was in this moment that Peter’s life changed. Although Peter had walked with Jesus during his time on earth, although he had witnessed the miracles and heard the parables, and although he had walked on water with Jesus; Peter did not fully know Jesus! When Jesus forgave Peter and called him to service he finally realized the full meaning of death and resurrection. Peter changed!

You too are forgiven when you accept Jesus Christ as your savior. You are set free and called to worship and love God with all of your heart. What is your response to these questions? “Do you love me” Do you really love me? Are you even my friend?”

#crazyfaith2021 #feedmysheep #stayrooted