4 Choices

There are four easy choices you can make daily that will begin to change your life and the world.  John Maxwell sent these four choices out in a blog for leaders last week, I have added a prayer for us after each choice.

John is a Christian and is teaching leadership principles to the world – thank you John Maxwell.

We as Christian’s can help influence and change the world one person at a time through the power of the Holy Spirit within us.  But it is a choice! God will use us to influence others at work and home, we must let go and let God do His thing!

We Love you –

Lisa & Heather

Rooted Women’s Ministry

#stayrooted2021 #letgo #letGod

1. Choose to Value People –

“this is a decision to see each human being you come in contact with, be it in real life or in the digital world, as someone with value who needs that value affirmed in some way. It’s a choice to connect with people and begin breaking down walls of distrust.” (John Maxwell).            

“Pray and cry out to God for help!  Lord, please help us see every person as your child and value them. As we look at people may we see You in them. You created us all! As we intentionally engage with people daily may they see the light within us given by You.” ☀️ (Lisa Williams)

2. Choose to Add Value to People – “this is the decision to do something that helps another person in some way. It can be as extravagant as giving a gift or as simple as doing the dishes still piled in the sink, but it’s a choice to influence people through good deeds.” (John Maxwell).                                         

“Lord we come to you for your strength and your power. Not only can we influence others with good deeds but with encouraging words anchored from your scriptures. We can add value to others but we must choose to do this, read the Word, and know Your ways. Leaders need to influence leaders with a faith and belief rooted in you Lord. Help us stay rooted in our faith at work and home as we choose to add value in others and be an example of Christ’s ways to others.” (Lisa Williams)

3. Choose to Live Positive Values –

“this is the decision to live a life that builds rather than destroys. It’s the choice to be honest when the cashier gives you too much change, the choice to let someone else get the credit at work, the choice to treat other people with courtesy and respect. It’s also one of the most attractive ways to live your life.” (John Maxwell).                             

“Lord please help us to build people up rather than destroy them. We do this by loving how You love. We do not always need to be right, we need to do what is right in your eyes. Lord help us be an example at work and home of your love to others and treat people how we want to be treated.” (Lisa Williams)

4. Choose to Share Positive Values – “this is the decision to share with others the values that inspire and sustain your life. A life of positive values will inevitably lead someone to ask, “What’s your secret? How do you stay so positive, or generous, or kind?” And when they ask, you can choose to share with them the values that empower and enable you to live differently and make a difference.” (John Maxwell).             “Lord help us to live differently. We can only do this through knowing and accepting Jesus, then we receive your Holy Spirit and become one with You. God’s values are what need to inspire and sustain us as Christians. Learn them, seek them, strive to know Him. A relationship with God through Jesus will get you noticed!  Be ready to share your story, people need to know there is life and freedom through accepting, seeking, and giving your life to Jesus!”

(Lisa Williams)❤️