32,000 vs 300

Imagine preparing a big strategy that would result in a huge reward and you had 32,000 people supporting you to make it happen! You’d think….I’ve got this aced; no problem! Piece of cake right!?

But then what would you do if God said, “this is too much?” “Do it with 300!!” Would you panic or let fear set in? This is exactly what God told Gideon as he prepared to lead his army against the Midianites. God knew that if Gideon went out and defeated the Midianites they would surely take credit for the victory. Especially with 32,000 men! So God wanted to show them their victory could only come from Him.

This got me thinking. So very often in the business world when we are faced with big projects we tend to think, “I need a big team, I need more people!!”

Yes there will be times business models indicate we need to grow and expand the team. But take a second and ask yourself are you fully utilizing the resources you’ve been provided? Have you put your TRUST and FAITH in God to lead you and your team to victory? Have you prayed daily for wisdom? You can do great things with small beginnings! Do you need 32,000 or just 300?

Stay Rooted!