• Be A Peacemaker!

    Ok spoiler alert. Lisa and I very rarely sit down and develop our weekly posts together. For the most part, we write our blogs individually based on our daily readings in the Bible and where God leads us. So when moments like this week occur we hit pause, slow down and say, “thank you Lord for putting this on both of our hearts to write about – we need to really ponder and reflect on You!” On July 27, 2020 I posted on peacemaking. On the night of July 27, 2021 when scrolling Facebook I saw the memory from a year earlier. Peacemaking! Earlier that same morning I had read…

  • It’s not always about us!

    In 1 Corinthians 10:24 Paul is addressing how to support a new believer in Christ. “Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.” He’s asking us to consider the needs of others. He’s asking us to have self awareness by looking at someone and seeing where they are and who they are. If we have a superior attitude do you think that will attract others Christ? Basically….it’s an attitude check. How can we apply this? As you lead and interact with people at work, in school, or in volunteer groups sometimes you’ve just got to step back and say “it’s not all about me.” Be…

  • Peacemaker

    In Chapter 3 James, the brother of Jesus, says wisdom from Above is: First…It is PURE! Then… Peace loving, Gentle at all times, Willing to yield to others, Full of mercy, The fruit of good deeds, Shows no favoritism, Is always sincere. These words describing God’s wisdom and God’s ways immediately floods me with so much peace, how do they make you feel? We all know people who claim to be wise, who seem to have all the “right” answers, but then act foolishly. When we truly follow and believe what is written in our Bibles, we start to understand that the fools of the world don’t know God’s ways.…

  • Strong FAITH

    Many of us start out strong in our faith but soon get side tracked by distractions. These distractions can be fear, weariness, lack of discipline, or pursuit of your own interest. In order for our faith to survive and not fade away it must be practiced daily. We must recognize the distractions taking us away from God and then go to Him! Faith must be weaved into every aspect of our daily lives to stay strong. If just coming to church on Sunday mornings defines your faith, you may get bored or feel unconnected – then start jumping from church to church to find your happiness – find your purpose.…

  • #HolySpirit

    Good Morning – it is Monday! How is it going? Are you excited for today or dreading it!? Is there any conflict or temptation you are facing today? Short but bold teaching today…We need the Holy Spirit as our helper and our advocate, we can’t fight the world or even walk out this Monday in our own power. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us and empower us! We get this gift from God only when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If you want every Monday to be different – exciting – no matter the circumstances then seek Jesus and call on…

  • Active Faith

    As Christians, we are not justified to God by what we do in any way. James tells us true genuine faith results in action producing good deeds and works, but the deeds and works do not justify us with God. (Justify means – Be in good standing with God) Faith in Jesus Christ alone justifies us with God and brings us salvation; active obedience demonstrates that our faith is genuine and true. Active faith will result in change in your life. Paul emphasizes the PURPOSE of faith is to bring salvation. Romans 3:28 says “We are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.” James emphasizes…

  • Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

    We are to obey the royal law as found in scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” James 2:8 The royal law was first given by Jesus himself in John 15:12, “Love each other in the same way that I have loved you.” What is going on in your mind after reading these scriptures…Do you love your neighbor, each and every neighbor? Do you love each other, that means everyone who you meet? Do you love people, ALL people – even those you have not met? Favoritism is real here on earth. James warns us against prejudice in Chapter 2, toward the rich or the poor. When we discriminate against people…

  • ​​My Husband’s Hand

    I looked at his hand as he reached out to hold mine as we sat together on the beach. This hand that I’d held through the labor of three babies, this hand I held as he wept for his father, this hand that embraced our children as a loving father. This hand belongs to a man who has certainly loved me through the good and the bad days. As I looked at this hand I realized more than ever it was only through the grace of God that this man never left me or cheated on me because I was nothing close to the wife God had intended me to…

  • Convictions

    You know that little twinge you feel or sometimes the big smack on the side of the head after doing or saying something you shouldn’t? Or perhaps it’s felt after NOT saying something that you should have said. It goes both ways. It is through faith and having a personal relationship with God that convictions come to our hearts. Don’t push these convictions to the side. Listen to what God is revealing to you. Draw near to Him! Go to Him in prayer, thank Him for working in your life, and thank Him for exposing something that needs to be changed. #lifechanging When we aren’t living through faith and if…

  • Listening, Speaking & Anger

    Do you want to be a better leader, spouse, or friend? If so, take to heart what James is teaching on listening, speaking, and anger in Chapter 1. Listening actively and with empathy will change how you connect with people. This will make you a leader people want to follow, a spouse we want to grow with, or a friend who wants to hang out with us! James tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak! I don’t know about you, but this has been a challenge for me because I want to fix something right when I hear it! But… James wants us to slow down…