How to Find Satisfaction
You can work hard and achieve success, but unless your faith and trust is in Jesus Christ your work will not fulfill you. We will not be satisfied in this life unless we’ve given it to Jesus. Put God first in all you do so the harvest is great. #rootedleadership #itsallinthebible #stayrooted
What A Beautiful Name
Have you had those moments where you just can’t get a song out of your head? “What a Beautiful Name!” The name of Jesus! We can stand unshaken regardless of what we are going through! Repeat his name, call upon Him. He never changes, He never has fear. God has no rival, no equal, and He STILL reigns today! #havenofear #stayrooted #seekhimthroughallthings
Deal with it Immediately!
Paul tells us to deal with our anger immediately in a way that builds relationships rather than destroy them. When we harbor those bad feelings it creates resentment and reduces creativity! As a leader you must be willing to have those tough conversations and confront workplace issues. Otherwise, just as Paul writes we give the devil a foothold!!! Speak to people. Be humble and willing to listen. Ask yourself what is the root of this anger? Get rid of it. Don’t give the devil a chance to destroy what you are building in your team. #stayintheword #dailyarmor #stayrooted #letgoofanger
Vision Casting
We as leaders need to communicate our vision to our teams. Without the ability to communicate, we as leaders travel alone and no one will follow. No one can catch our vision unless we first transfer a picture of it into our team’s heart. Keep the vision bucket full and keep communicating to your teams. #stayrooted #communication #vision #leadership
4 Choices
There are four easy choices you can make daily that will begin to change your life and the world. John Maxwell sent these four choices out in a blog for leaders last week, I have added a prayer for us after each choice. John is a Christian and is teaching leadership principles to the world – thank you John Maxwell. We as Christian’s can help influence and change the world one person at a time through the power of the Holy Spirit within us. But it is a choice! God will use us to influence others at work and home, we must let go and let God do His thing!…
A Well-Watered Garden
“The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.” Isaiah 58:11 God is with us through all things! Continuously and steady; restoring our strength! It is cold outside today but think about what a well-watered garden looks like. This is us if we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ! Ponder on this today as you go through your Saturday! #stayrooted #Heiswithus
The Greatest RSVP
Call me old fashion I guess. I still love cards and invitations that come in the mail. In the last year or so I have attended three weddings. All with beautifully unique invitations complete with an RSVP card to secure my attendance. Have you ever read the parable of the Feast in Luke 14? Jesus is attending a great feast and hears a man proclaiming how great the banquet in the Kingdom of God will be! And his response is known as the Parable of the Great Feast. These are the red letters – the words of Jesus: “A man prepared a great feast and sent out many invitations. …
Feedback is a Gift
As leaders we are often in positions that require us to give others feedback. At my company we say “feedback is a gift.” Sometimes this isn’t easy; especially if it’s related to performance or areas of correction. On the flip side, we can’t always be overly positive with our feedback. This stunts growth and potential. But you CAN lean on God & pray for wisdom and the words you need to speak to lift people up and to help them become the best they can be. Ask God to give you the right words and the right tone. #itsallintheBible #rootedleadership
Just Do It!
As we start 2021 and verbally say I want to read the Bible more, we encourage you to…Just Do It! Each day in the Word we get refreshed and reminded God is love – we are to do everything in love. Get rooted now in the Word – it is never too late to start reading the Bible and building a relationship with God. #rootfulness2021 #getrooted #love
Let God Redefine YOU!
Are you running from life, your job, your family and trying to control every step? Do you need to always be in control?! Jacob towards the end of Genesis finally learned to let go and listen to God. He spent his final years in Egypt with his son Joseph, trusting God that this is where he was meant to be. Don’t wait until the end of your life to listen to God, listen now and trust Him. Genesis 46:1-7 was summarized in my teaching part of the Bible as so… “We can not be what God intends us to be and hold on to who we think we should be.”…