• The Tongue

    “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.” Proverbs 17:28 As leaders and Christians, our words have influence and carry the power of life and death to our teams. Just think about this, God shaped the world with His words! As leaders, we must NEVER forget the power of our words flowing off our tongues will shape our teams. When studying about the tongue, nothing gives away the state of our faith quicker than our speech! When we are yelling, gossiping, mocking, screaming, or accusing someone harshly; this speech is revealing what is in our hearts. Jesus says in Matthew 12:34, “…For…

  • GiGi

    Being a parent…is an incredible miracle given to us by God. We long for our babies to reach the next phase, to grow, and to flourish.  We have hopes and dreams for our children and want the best for them. We will protect them to any means. I am blessed to be reliving this miracle of babies through my kids and their sweet daughters Ayla and Remi. Being a GiGi is a blessing beyond words. But…the babies must grow up because time does not stand still. As parents we want to give them everything they physically want and need to be successful in life. Well, I am here today to…

  • “How to do life with our adult children.”

    Today Rooted hosted a Zoom book review on “How to do life with our adult children.” by Jim Burns. It was awesome to discuss such a subject that is needed – how do we keep our mouth shut and keep the welcome mat out for our adult children!!If you have small children read this book so you don’t make the mistakes some of us made. To grow we have to learn!! Heather and I loved getting to know these women and YES they all read the book!! What an incredible time together. #rooted #love #jesus


    This week I had a leadership topic to share but one of my recent readings in Luke just keeps coming back to me. I want to share with you what Luke wrote and how it has impacted me over the last few weeks.  Jesus had been preaching on the shore of Galilee to a great crowd when he noticed empty boats on the shore.  Jesus approached Simon (Peter) and began teaching from the boat.  This is what happened next. Luke 5:4 “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” These are red letters, the words of Jesus! I can imagine the look…

  • “Do” calls for Action

    Despite what the culture says, these words are still The Golden Rule. If you missed the teaching a few weeks ago check it out. The word “do” calls for action! Think of one thing today that you wish someone would do for you & then go do it for someone else instead! #thegoldenrule #stayrooted #lovealwayswins

  • We Lower – God Lifts

    As we go through work or home life, we may say “I would love to be a leader!” Most of us are leaders on some level but we do not realize it.  We think because we don’t have the fancy title or large salary – we can’t lead. Being a leader is all about influence, when we influence others they will follow you. If people only follow you because of your title or how much money you have, once your situation changes they will stop following you.  Leaders with influence will always multiply their following. Jesus was the ULTIMATE influential leader, hands down the best! His influence and vision encouraged…


    One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the woman who was healed from her bleeding condition by touching the robe that Jesus was wearing. I think it is one of the greatest examples of faith and endurance.  A woman so desperate for Jesus to heal her that she risked everything to push her way through the crowd in hopes of just touching him.  “She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his robe.  For she thought to herself, if I can just touch his robe, I will be healed. Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body…

  • Wise Hearts – Wise Words

    “The heart of the wise teaches his mouth; and adds learning to his lips.” Proverbs 16:23 What is in our hearts – wise or not – will come out our mouths.  My friend and mentor Terri Broome has taught us women this for years. #itiswritten Our speech is influenced by our hearts at home, work, or in ministry. Solomon teaches through this Proverb that unless there be a good treasure within to support the eloquence of our lips – it is worth little. Wisdom in the heart is the main matter. Our hearts will direct us on what to speak, gives us weight on what to speak, and how to…

  • Use what you Have

    If you are a new believer or have believed for a long time… the Bible tells us to USE what we have right now to LIVE for Christ, and God will commend you! Obey and stay strong – the Word encourages us to hold tight to whatever strength we have. As Terri Broome said last night, “it is not your skill He is looking for, you just gotta go out and do it!”   We all have different gifts but we all have mouths – go tell people about Jesus. “I am coming soon.  Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.” Revelation 3:11…