2019 to 2020!!!

How is it November already? After reading Lisa’s post on Monday it really did hit me!

*7 weeks until Christmas!!!

*My 2020 calendar came in the mail (yes, I’m old fashion!)

*Already making holiday plans! What?

Perhaps like me you are saying, “Wow, where did the time go?” Maybe you are also saying….”but I had so many good intentions this year!?” As we enter this Christmas season with a new heart and mindset, as we Rediscover Jesus, don’t wait for January 1st to start something new!

Maybe today is the day to:

*start your prayer journal?

*spend less time on Netflix?

*start going to church?

“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:14

Don’t put off building your relationship with God and getting to know Him more! Start your race today! He’s calling? Do you hear?

P.S. I got my book in the mail today. Just read the prologue. The last sentence stopped me in my tracks. “When was the last time someone confused you for Jesus?” Wow!  Just stop and be still. I hope you’ll go on this journey with us as we Rediscover Jesus!