Shining Light…

As you walk into your place of work today, repeat the words from Ephesians 6:7.

“Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than people.”

If your struggling on any level with people in the workplace then go to the Holy Spirit and ask for help. God can transform our hearts, minds, and souls when we surrender to Him and His ways. He loves us so much! He is our provider. He is our God!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Today…embrace the truth that YOU flow your attitude. A smile can go a long way with a coworker, start there and see what happens. 😁

What a privilege we all GET to go to work daily for our Lord!! Change your attitude – get excited and have enthusiasm for your work, the people you work with, and your company!

We are the light of our faith in a very dark world, we are His children!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Go shine ☀️

Stay Rooted
Lisa & Heather