“Offered in Faith”

Over the last four weeks we’ve heard and read about so many people suffering. Suffering and hardships are part of life, but in times like these they can become increasingly worse.

We’ve been studying the book of James the last few weeks. Take some time to read this short book. It’s filled with wisdom and truth. James 5:13-15 dives into the power of prayer. A prayer “offered in faith” refers to the faith of the people praying and not to the faith of those who are sick or suffering. What?! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Yes, those of us praying each day for others who are suffering is powerful. Please pray!!

“Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray.”

“Are any of you happy? You should sing praises.”

Rooted is praying for you! Through your hardships and your joy. ❤️