Read the Bible

You could find several Bibles in my house but they were never read until Christmas. I’d spend hours in Barnes and Noble looking at devotionals and self help books because “I needed something in my life.” As I wake up to this beautiful Good Friday I’m so thankful God put Lisa Williams in my path three years ago. She helped me learn how to start reading my Bible. Matthew was the first book in the Bible I ever read from start to finish. Three years later I’m still reading and often go back to Matthew. Life changing!

The Bible can be intimidating if you’ve never read it before. It’s a big book!! This Easter take a chance – pick it up and commit to reading each day. You’ll be amazed!

Here are a few tips:

*Pray before you read. Ask God to help you understand and to reveal to you what His word means.

*Journal about what you just read. Read in small passages, break each chapter in to small chunks, and really reflect on the words.

*Spend time thinking how it applies to you.

I never ever dreamed that one day Lisa and I would be partners in Rooted – a ministry to help ALL women find and stay rooted in Jesus Christ! But God changed my life in a dramatic way. It started with reading my Bible.

Spend time with God. Make Him a priority in your life. Study His word. Talk to someone about what you are reading. The Bible is filled with wisdom, love, comfort, and truth. There has never been a time in our life other than right now than when His word is needed.

Get rooted, stay rooted.

Happy Good Friday!
