Attitude Tone
Does respect, humility, and servanthood characterize your attitude tone toward God and others? Attitude determines so much as a Christian leader. If your attitude is in the hole, start looking up to God for a mind and heart check. God will pull you out of your hole through the power of the Holy Spirit, but you have to go to Him.
To build an attitude that reflects Christian character we need to do several things while at work – it does take action!!
1. We need to RESPECT God along with our teams.
2. Be HUMBLE to His Word and believe that each person has value.
3. Let the EGO (Edging God Out) go and really care.
4. SERVE our teams with the mindset of them first and us last. #servantleadership
When we carry a bad attitude around it reflects our actions making us speak down to people, intimidate with our words, or possibly ignore people who just don’t fit our mold. A bad attitude is going against the good in people, not seeing value in them, and basically treating them however you feel like. #selfish
Having a bad attitude with your coworkers does result in negative actions and INEFFECTIVE leadership. Furthermore, walking around with an attitude that is bad most likely means your attitude is bad against our God. They go hand in hand – can’t love God and be bothered by people. Most likely you are annoyed with people because you are annoyed with God. #askHim
If your work life is not going well and people are avoiding you, no one will trust you, talk to you , follow you, or they will start leaving your team – ask God to examine your attitude.
Jesus says this: “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” Mathew 7:12
Jesus also declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Matthew 22:37-39
Attitude matters and reflects our actions – it reflects how we LOVE people. How can we love like Jesus if our attitude is in the hole?
A good attitude with a loving tone creates loyal teams, loyal bonds, and will promote growth within your work environment! But it has to start with the LEADER being willing to set the attitude tone. #Jesustone
If the leader’s attitude is bad, your team will have a bad attitude.
Christian leaders…we encourage you to get your attitude right with God first and watch how much you start caring and loving your teams at work through your actions – your tone will be attractive! It will flow Jesus.
How is your attitude with God?
Stay Rooted,
Lisa & Heather