• The Lord Will Provide

    Back in October, my good friend organized a small group of close women to gather up in the mountains to pray. No agenda, just pray. As the weekend progressed, my friend asked us to write down on paper what we were willing to give up for God? We were asked could we put God first above everything and everyone in our life – could He be enough? Immediately my thoughts went to material things. For most of my life I have strived for more stuff, these are the things that make my life easy and I enjoy. So…I wrote down all the material things I was willing to give up…

  • You are the God Who Sees Me

    In Genesis 16 we meet Hagar. A servant who belonged to Abram and Sarai (not yet Abraham and Sarah). Hagar found herself in a very difficult situation trying to please Sarai. Hagar was so hurt and upset that she ran far away from her home. But then an angel of the Lord came to her and asked her why have you run away? As she listened to the angel and confronted her fears she realized that she was not alone. “You are the God who sees me” God sees everything that we do. He knows our fears and anxiety. Like Hagar we can try to run away but we can’t…

  • STOP!!!

    16 days until Christmas! Many of us get so overwhelmed this time of the year. We have so much to do: shopping, work, family, Covid stress, and not enough time in a day. STOP!! Today, right now, stop and seek God. Be still and know that our God is so so big! He is with us and wants to help us – seek Him and ask for help. #bigGod #helper #seekHim #stayrooted

  • Character Development

    When we hear someone has great character, what does this mean? In the Bible there are many examples of leaders with great character…Joseph and Daniel to name just two! Go read about these two leaders in Genesis and the Book of Daniel and see what true godly character represents. Let’s break down character. -Character is more than talk, actions will indicate your integrity. -We don’t always get to choose our circumstances in life BUT we do get to choose our character. -People will not follow you and your success will be short lived if you have flawed character. -People will follow who they like and trust – period! Character is…


    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my three great grandmothers. Yes, great grandmothers! What a blessing to have memories of these women in my life. Each in their own way made such an impression on my life even in the few short years I knew them. My Granny Hodgin was a strong woman, a devoted Christian and she made me the best grilled cheese sandwich on her wood cook stove. My Ma Moody as we called her also loved the Lord, loved her family fiercely and although I was only about five years old she served me coffee in a tea cup with a saucer and treated me like…

  • Small Beginnings

    So often our human nature is to “go big” in order to make a big impact. But God sees our heart and rejoices in what is right and not necessarily what is big. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Be faithful in the small opportunities you have to influence others…in the grocery line, at your office, in your small group…. Begin where you are. God will do the rest!  #stayrooted #rejoiceinthelittlethings #2020humility